Thursday, September 28, 2006

top 3 movies


quite long ago i mentioned that ill do a top 10 movie list that everyone should have at least watched at least once or have on the computer (sounds familiar??)

but somehow that slipped my mind until today! when i visited chorseng's blog and realised harry potter and order of phoenix pictures are out. (hermione still ownssss all btw :P)

top 3 movies only. because movie reviews take much longer than music reviews to write. and when it comes to movies im more selective. :) and not that there are many really good movies today anyway.

and in no particular order again....

1) V for Vendetta (Wee for Wendetta for senthils case :D)

Political thrillers = nice show for pple like me who like extremely complicated political theory (okok it was not very cheem but i like to believe that so), words that start with "V" (for the
GUYS who have very limited V-vocabulary), + the action! and 1812 overture when the dunno wad building exploded. but it differs from the comic from quite a lot. ok actually really a lot. those interested to read the comic its in the library.

"I'm asking you again, who stole my lipstick??"

2) Armageddon

The best best best best movie ever created in humankind.
basically a giant stone hurls at a gazillion miles per hour and would kill anyone if no preventive action was taken. and being the wise and clever humans that we are, our ultimate plan is to detonate a nuclear warhead on the meteor!!
and of cos the idea was conceived by the americans.
everything about the show was perfect. action sequences, sounds, even the cheesy romance between AJ and the liv tyler character. very touching movie also.. like cmon who did not cry when bruce willis stayed on the meteor to ensure the nuclear device will blow up? even the manliest man cried i bet.
Cmon lor he had to say bye to his daughter from a giant rock in space!!!!
omg!!! thats so touching!!! and everyone in the spaceship, kennedy space centre were all crying. thus everyone in the cinema were also crying.
1 question thou: if space is a vacuum, then how do we hear all the explosions?

"whatya mean no one brought the chicken wings??"

3) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Admittedly, while the 2nd installment of the pirates series had more action, fight sequences, special effects etc, the 1st movie was still the better one in my opinion. and of cos, there's always keira knightley. (btw in the 2nd movie keira looked like craaaap.)
having johnny depp as a gay pirate and orlando bloom as a humble blacksmith also serves to spice up the hunkiness factor by a bit (really really by a bit). and also to attract the hordes of crazy girls.
storyline? something out of warcraft. jack and will turner have to stop a bunch of undead pirates, save the girl, kill the baddies etc. and of cos since orlando is in it, the good guys win.

"hey that's where i parked my car!!"

can anyone name better movies then these?? notice all the above movies have lots of action, a usually baseless plot, stupidly insane heroism and the hot damsel in distress. face it we are all guys here..

random quote: Freedom and Independence for all of mankind. -- Armageddon Tagline. (quotes and timeless adages get boring after a while :P)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

tuesday ecp outing

monday was spent resting and recuperating from the night biking trip.

by tuesday i was restored!!! thou i had to be woken up by jonny calling my phone desperately at about 10. (we were supposed to meet at 10) and me being very efficient and staying very close to ecp, got there in 15 mins.

spent most of my time learning how to skate. how sad right?? like i stay in the east all my life and i havent even skated before. but after today, after undergoing the school of hard knocks, i think my skating has improved dramatically. (at least i hope)

learning to skate is harddd. at least there was yiling and sherlene who dint know how to skate also. and yockteng was as good as dunno. and i tot learning to bike was bad. (photos courtesy of evelyn who couldnt resist taking pictures of me just dying while learning to skate ><)

note the giant beginners corner sign.

when im not falling down

my extremely horrible morning hair :(. nvm heres the act cool pic.

when i felt i was good enough, i decided to join the others on the road. everything was relatively smooth, except that there was this time when stupid jon suddenly fell, then evelyn fell, then i fell. hahazz it was really funny actually. :D at least no one got hurt except for the cuts and bruises that added on the those i got on sunday/monday.

point: i realised i fell almost as many times skating as i did cycling.

after that we returned the skates and went for lunch. rest of the time was spent stoning on the giant stone while some pple went to bowl. somehow not doing anything but just lazing around is soooo relaxing

after the others went home, marcus and yockteng came over for a while to my house where we watched roadtrip and had the most interesting chat about everything under the sun. hmm somehow i like those profound talks where u go around and around in circles but you don't have a clear conclusion in the end.

last few days of relaxation before we hit the books again :(

random quote: Measure not the work until the day's out and the labour's done. -- Elizabeth Browning.


to push down that post that implied that i was really angsty (at least which some pple told me)

heres a quick update.

the past few days have been a crazy whirlwind :D. going out and out and out and spending so little damn time at home. time at home has been fruitfully spent on the phone or more importantly, dotaing (kding!!).


met the class which consisted of like 5 pple at cine. basically we spent 1 hr discussing where to go to for dinner, then we had the brilliant brainwave of going to esplanade to eat at some food centre there.

char kway tiao was really really really good :D cept that marcus got confused with the mai hum and my hump thinggy but all still turned out ok. yums

learning point: try the stingray. for $12 its really worth. except that it disappeared so fast when all the guys banzaied it almost instantly.

sunday (crazy day)

went new creation with justinevelyn in afternoon, then biking with ruggers in evening!!! being the punctual ruggers that we all are, we only met at the ecp macs at about 7+?? when the msg said to meet at 6. bike bike bike all the way to lagoon to eat dinner (for the others) then we biked back to meet some latecomers at the same bike shop.

and of course, being the sporty and fit singaporeans that we are, we biked everywhere!!!

1st stop: Dons house
fun begins. dons house where we waited for just and joel to arrive after singapore idol. meanwhile we watched eurotrip (for some pple like the 10000th time) priceless as usual. never ever gets old. club vandersexxxxxxxxx XD

2nd stop: kallang road
fun really begins :D biked to indoor stadium (just says hey i was just here 2 hrs ago!!) then off we went again and again

3rd: esplanade
fun continues. biked to esplanade (i say hey i was here yesterday) via nicoll highway!! where the first major accident occurred. roland drops his cap and brakes to pick it up. ilman is shocked and does series of acrobatics on his bike that he usually would not do. SPLAT!!. and ilman has a few new gashes on his knee. which were expertly patched up due to the efforts of joel and his super tape. en route of course we stopped to pose for pictures on steves camera (phone)

4th: shenton way
fun continues continues. from esplanade, by some sheer chance and luck, we suddenly found ourselves in front of tanjong pagar mrt. so what do 15 hot, handsome and sweaty guys do? pose for more pics of cos. then was bike bike bike again, chionging across roads, pavements, bits of grass, anything in our way, beating the red lights, and 10000 ways to shorten our lifespan.

5th: lau par sat (is this how u spell it??)
fun takes a break. finally our destination --- lau par sat. to rest our aching loins and groins and whatever else that took a severe beating/bruising/rubbing. deserts and more deserts came. then came the rather interesting debate between steven and glen about the post-prom party. nvm bout that btw. after that we were on our way again. to the shopping mecca of singapore -- orchard road!!

6th: boat quay/ann siang hill
fun starts again. before going to orchard we went to boat quay first. (where we were after we lost the finals) from boat quay we hit ann siang hill, where we cycled up the fricking hill due to some navigational error. (supposed to turn right we went up instead)

7th: river valley road
fun is running out. river valley road is seriously one of the worst roads for cycling. it goes uphill and uphill and even more uphill. nvm the quads got a workout.

8th: orchard road
fun decreases a bit. i tried to be wise and jump the curb between the road and the pavement outside wheelock place. accident no 2 occurs. 1st time i got cuts in a very very long time, which were patched up by myself and joels tape. cycled to outside taka where we took photos again.

9th: homeward bound
fun decrease a lot. sore bums and thighs were really taking a toll on us. so we just biked as quickly as we could back to dons house by the bus 14 route. somehow we gained a lot of ground in record time. maybe it was the fact that it was almost 4am><.

10th: finish line!!!
dons house finally. and how far did we cycle? well if someone does the math and calculates how many km we do, we'll be thankful. (estimate-- 20km?? cos we were cycling in circles most of the time)

biking be fun! even thou i fell like countless times, cycled into pillars and lamp-posts, almost decapitated random passer-bys and so on.

funny moment on the way back
ryan: fck i almost collided into the pillar!!! guys careful
arjun: guys look out for pillar!!
mark: guys look out for pillar!!

I collided into the pillar.

and of cos we broke almost every traffic law except for the one involving drunk driving. that one we definitely did NOT break.

at the end of the expedition the bikes were in terrible condition. (at least mine was) got spokes that were torn out, bike stands that fell off, brakes that did not work etcetc. the bike shop owner must be really understanding. like we returned with 13 chunks of mutilated metal and he still beamed and us and said thankyou.

bike again soon :D more on ecp outing later

random quote: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. -- Scott Adams

Friday, September 22, 2006

Prelims be over!!!

the prelims are finally over

(it sucks to end on friday. when some buggers like joel lum finished on monday)

like zomg when was it going to end..

after the disastrously disastrous physics paper 2 (for me at least), i was already running out of steam. talk about no stamina

2 weeks of intensive exams can really wreck up your life.. headaches galore after almost every paper arghz.

dotaing everyday during prelims at night sure helped thou (for the headache but not the A)

but now that i think of it, this holiday after the prelim is not really a holiday after all. more like a brief intermission.

think of the tentative period of peace between ww1 and ww2. yea now ww1 has just ended and we are all in the process of post-war reparations (this includes comp games, movies, prancing around in j8 aimlessly, and other stuff that will probably not really help for the coming battle.


and now that prelims are over, onto more important tasks.

1) tidying up my room (this almost done liao :D)
2) studying sats
3) start writing my scholarship essays
4) whatever comes into my mind.
5) ______________

task 15 from previous post will probably never materialise. /stone.

and during prelim period, some things happened to the j1 batch. rather disturbing. nvm about that its rather depressing and we should be all happy and carefree that we have only 1.5 months more to A lvs.

watching miami vice after a gruelling physics s paper is also no joke, especially since the plot is so damn complicated that you can almost say that there is a non-existent plot. and some parts were like soap-operaish and slow. not good when u are almost about to nod off.

should have watched devil wears pravda instead. at least there will be a few laughs

watch this movie only when your head is clear. or if u just wanna watch sex/violencebloodgore/guns/drugs/. In that case you should just stay home and download limewire or ares.

moral: watch a funny movie. or organise a class outing to eastcoast/sentosa (that one pending)

random quote: If you are pained by external things, it is not that they disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is your power that wipes out that judgment. -- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Being forward looking

instead of poring over my chem or math notes carefully to find out what i missed out for prelims

i have been compiling a list on what to do AFTER a levels ends to NS. (which is about a grand total of 1 month? if i get the early enlistment. which i HOPE i do)

that is bad indeed. i shud go mug and live up to my image ><. but frankly theres not much point studying now. except to maybe refresh your memory on formulas?

THINGS TO DO (in no particular order)

1) Clean up my room, tidy and catalouge up everything in there.
2) learn to play the guitar. at least strum a few notes and sing extremely off-key.
3) learn to bake -muffins, cakes, cookies, creme brulee (whatever the hell that is) yea i got the inspiration from the guy in high school musical
4) learn the capital of every country on earth. (half-way there)
5) learn to skate (with yockteng)
6) buy stocks and shares (if the parents allow)
7) world of warcraft (duuuh)
8) get my 2.4 timing to below 9.5mins
9) bench-press >70kg
10) >20 pullups
11) learn astronomy
12) learn basic mechanical skills so i can be the man of the house. how to repair comps, TVs, make bombs, knife-fighting etc.
13) other relevant survival skills like first aid or firefighting
14) make a map of the entire east coast (meant to do this after o lvs)
15) and my other important task.

for 15, i think the ruggers shud know. and the class. and many many other assorted pple ><.

be cool at 9pm later on hbo. or star movies.

gd luck for the prelims ahead!!!! it will be all over soon ^^.

be cool :D

random quote: I pity the fool. -- Shadow Hunter from Warcraft 3

ps: to croc, why dont u tell me who u are, instead of hiding behind a moniker >D. unless u r the one who likes to anonymously tag blogs. mine and evelyns in particular.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

RIP Steve Irwin (1966? -- 2006)

waa this news is quite sad. (strike for crocs everywhere ==@^,^^,^~~)

steve irwin's head just got pawned by stingray for 1000000 extra gold.

but on the other hand, this goes to show that we should't frolic around with animals that are about 3 times our height or weight. and has a sting that is about the length of our forearm. not to mention that the sting can knock out a great white shark in seconds. kudos to what it can do to a human. (thou the human is a weirdo)

but however

much as everyone believes it to be an accident, i believe in a higher order.

after all, which well-known TV or media persona dint get murdered or met an untimely death??

1) John Fitzgerald Kennedy. assasinated in Dallas, Texas on 22nd November 1963. Killed by multiple bullet shots through the head, throat and chest.
And so far it has been proven by the highly investigative conspiracy theorists on the internet that the CIA are the ones responsible. and the FBI, the mafia, the yakuza, the hanava hombres, lyndon johnson, fidel castro, marilyn monroe, gandhi, saddam hussein, etcetcetc

2) Martin Luther King. assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee on 4th April 1968. Killed by a single shot in the throat.
and with the netizens brilliant detective and deductive skills honed by watching endless reruns of CSI and batman comics, we have narrowed down the suspects to a select few. Lyndon johnson, the FBI, the CIA, the mafia, the yakuza, malcolm x, muhammad ali, muhammad ilman, malcolm in the middle, britney spears, oh jeez the list is endless.

anyway back to the topic. Steve Irwin (god bless his soul)

as with our dearly departed 2 friends above whose contribution to us is to supply us quotes that we pore over endlessly,

there IS a conspiracy to get him killed!!!!


1) the stingray is actually NOT a stingray. it is actually a highly complex machinery that is operated by 2 men (for references go to wikipedia to read up on captain's nemos nautili). 1 person drives the "stingray/machine" hybrid by flapping the fins and eating lots of beans. the other one is the hit-man. he controls the sting, which in fact, is not a sting!!! but rather a harpoon tipped with a deadly metabolic poison or microorganisms (such as cyanide or EDTA or Clostridium Botulinum or Sacchomyces Cerevisae)

2) and when Stevie swims up near the stingray, (due to the fact that the stingray is nearly immobile due to the limiting factor of the driver having a threshold on how many beans he can eat)

3) BAM!! perfect shot into the heart. through the pericardium. bullzeyez. and of course after that the stingray has to flap away rapidly to escape suspicion (they do this be Bernoulli's effect. by designing the fin of the stingray to provide maximum lift, the stingray simply flies away). So to all detectives, dont search the sea, search the skies instead.

then comes the fundamental question...

HUDUNNIT? (who done(did) it for u suakus)

many many suspects as usual. as in obviously, being a popular media personality, he had made a lot of enemies.

Firstly. the australians.
steve irwin, admittedly, overdos the aussie accent a bit too much. after all, which of us doesnt sterotype aussies now as pple who wear khaki and say crikey, mate, awwww look at the size of thatt etcetc.
Cmon, aussies have a MUCH more colourful vocab that starts with mainly F or M. esp during rugby games.
so maybe john howard chartered the australian secret service (ASS) to kill that pain in the ass and finally address his flagging popularity.

New Zealanders!! (or new zealandees?)
New Zealand is always Australia's kid brother (cept in rugby). Maybe producers of a New Zealand based TV series wanted to make a new show: Steveaniru Iriniwina and the Kiwi Hunter. But to ensure they have the top spot in all oceania, they have to do away with the main competition. Steve Irwin and the Crocidile Hunter!!. aka bubye steve irwin u gotta go.

you know those pple. fed up with stevies bullying and taunting of the poor innocent crocs, they finally decided to get even. and what better way to do it through a stingray?? after all the most we ever saw of it was on a ri canteen table. and when his guard is down........ poke.

and of course there are many more suspects, such as viacom, wally gator, the secret crocodile kingdom near jaafer's house, etcetc.

whatever it is, Steve Irwin, you will be missed.

random quote: Death is just the beginning. -- High Priest Imhotemp in the Mummy.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, whatever is here now is fictitious, and any resemblance to real life, including but not limited to persons (living or dead), companies, and organisations, is purely coincidental.
Whatever is published here is solely of my personal opinion and does not represent any institution, organisation (both political and non-political), corporation, business or any other independent individuals.
Neither do I endorse nor take responsibility for any information or opinion expressed in anyway by any third party in any comments, trackbacks or links which are external to this website.
That you regard the content of the website to be in good faith and without malicious intent, and that we do not have any political agenda. (from student's sketpad)

Saturday, September 02, 2006


yay its the holidays again (albeit a bit too quickly)

seems like only yesterday that
common tests 2 were over,
school was starting again,
we won saints in kiwi cup,
we lost to them in police cup finals, (it burns till today)
trainings and trainings and gymmings
trainings and trainings and gymmings
class outings
og outings
o levels
etc etc

before u know it, the best 2 years of your life (for some worst) may be over. depends on how u perceived and enjoyed your jc life.

sighs. time flies.

btw have u ever imagined how different you would be if you could turn back time and change 1 thing in your life?

-like assuming u went to ac instead of ri, how different would you be today? would u become a stereotypical ac poser or a ri mugger? (im NOT stereotypical ri btw)
-if u joined choir instead of rugby, would it really matter that much?
-if u chose to be introverted instead of being a maniac, what would you be now?

thinking about all that made me realise that i rather not tamper with time :D.

our life is now changing so fast that we tend to forget what has happened to us. maybe one day ill write an autobiography on this blog. like what jeff is doing.

for others i know, however, dont brood so much on what has been and instead focus on what will be. (not gonna mention names here)

onto other more important stuff

studying the past few days in school has been rather productive esp in the library with the subzero temperatures. and all the other interesting sights and sounds. (not to mention fun too when u are with a bunch of loony buddies)

and if the library is too crowded, or you need a change in environment, you can go to the humans classroom (more specifically hanyi's classroom). its so much cooler and more comfortable compared to the other classrooms in block a and b. they have like, like SOFAS in there!! and rugby balls. and soccer balls. and of course the air-con. lucky humans pple ^^

and you can do a lot more things in the humans room than in the library, like sleeeeeeeeeeeep on the squashy sofas, talk crap, throw highlighters and markers around, draw on the whiteboard, talk about Boy's law to wenloong, occupy as much space as possible .... list is endless. just dont sleep without your shoes (stupid mark)

that being said, library still has more advantages in other areas. shuttup joel(lum). ><

hmm. still have almost all of bio to cover. i be dead.

random quote (oh boy i really like this one) : Work is not always required. There is such thing as sacred idleness. --- George MacDonald