Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Tired Tuesday

today has been a total unproductive day. well actually very unproductive but i won't go into details. or maybe i might haz.
bio: tcher was explaining smth on respiration. spent most the time talking to evelyn and liru though (learnt new word: Pyruvate! :D)
GP: grammer worksheet. then a lecture on (not) playing cards in school yada yada..
Chinese: stayed awake for half hour woot!!! then u know e rest.. stupid nigel skipped it again.
Math lec: slept through half of math. stayed awake only by talking to emerson about stuff. Stuff
Break: even breaks are not fun anymore. went to library after eating. seriously!!
Chem tutorial: freeloaded from weemin's (mamamin's) marshmellows cos i felt quite stoned. spent the rest talking about songs with sam n shuyi
Physics prac: stoned again. feel stoned all the time now since last week..
Training: the phil training i looked forward to never actually materialised. did gym instead. then rugby tennis :D. boring end to a boring day
A very fun day right? yessings indeedings. all e best and good luck to my readers.

Note: A big THANK YOU to the person/people who asked whether i was all right or sick/depressed/repressed/suppressed today. well seriously i am not. just some weird shit occurring to me that SHOULDN'T get me down (though it did) . shit i'm becoming sentimental again. bleahz..

Looking forward to match again SRC on sat.. prolly the only high point of the week.

Random Quote: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. -- Sir Winston Churchill


At 6:37 PM, Blogger wenloong said...

"GP: GRAMMER worksheet. then a lecture on (not) playing cards in school yada yada.."

maybe besides grammar you should practice spelling as well (:


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