Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dance Night (and whatever else happened on SAT)

ok ok the dance night update. the one everyone is bugging me about.

lalala where do i begin....

SATS on sat in the morning in acjc. omfg was so damn horrendous i rather run 10km than take sats again. or maybe endure 4 hrs of chinese lessons. most of the words i studied eventually came out.

and then

training in the afternoon :).

and then



dance night, of course, did not dissapoint at all. yup. all the items were really very awesome. like really wow. but i still think the best were the opening item and the fever thinggy.

(btw the title of the song used in the opening item is We're all in this together)

really enjoyed myself, but would have enjoyed myself more if CERTAIN councilors did not msg me during the items or kept sniggering when i went past them. (grr:X)

thoughts are still rather jumbled up soo
- GO NIGEL!!! hahaz u dint kill anyone on stage with your dancing
- fever was nice
- somehow all the chinese dancers look the same
- evelyn looks so weird in the clog dance (hahaz)
- virtually no leg room at where i was seating (okok i had my training gear with me)
- ryan who kept offering to help me search for her (like i needed any help)
- fever was nice
- people who kept asking me who the flowers were for
- jeremy mark zomg!!!
- funky hip-hop by cat and others!! never fail to impress
- fever was nice
- evelyn who PUSHED me there
- chenweis and linette/joshuas waaaaaah waaaaah waaaahh!!! and waah.
- all the other surrounding people. you weirdos. fine u got your show :P

ok tts about it for dance night. was supposed to go chenweis house after dance night but was too sleepy in the end.

prologue: ended up with ruggers at lau pa sat where we ate dessert and watched election results. singapore politics. lol.

random quote: It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. -- William McAdoo (US industralist)


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