Saturday, April 08, 2006

ORA day

today was such a fun but tiring day! ora then r project (will blog about it soon i hope)

first off, reached school at 7.30 when the bears were supposed to come. was quite retarded cos everyone around us was happily preparing all their food/games/otherstuff and we were like stoning. in the end the bears came at about 8. don was late hahaz.

(btw me wenloong jed and cheemeng were supposed to get free toast from killiney for helping them carry stuff. and in the end we forgot bleahz.)

Bears are sooo funky!!! only $25 for each :D

see the bears demonstrating a perfect front row bind. (courtesy of me :D was bored)

surprisingly we managed to clear the entire stock of 80 bears by about 1pm. damn we are prooo. even the super tight green jerseys sold out. (ok that one we had less then 5).

EVERYONE (teachers, old boys, students, aunties) wanted a piece of the bears cos they are so irresistable!! (its the traditional jersey i bet).

for those who werent at the ora carnival, or had no money, or dint know we are selling bears at all, there are another few boxes of bears coming in next week (about 80 more? according to don) yups so just pre order with any of the ruggers. or call don directly at 91195381. or me at 97661293.

yay my mum bought a bear for me :D. but ill prolly buy a few more anyway. after all they are limited edition. AND they are wearing mini rugby jerseys.

bear (courtesy of mum!!) and ball (courtesy of shuyi) on my study table. dreading to do that bio tutorial...

bear doing bench press!! note the short arms. (srry was feeling really lame)

more about r project in the next post. dont forget to buy the bears!!! its limited edition so it will become real valuable in the future.

random quote: Bacchus has drowned more men then Neptune. -- Dr Thomas Fuller

bacchus- god of wine
neptune- god of the sea


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