Sunday, March 05, 2006

a long long long long awaited update

title says it all.. so so much has happened since i last updated. strange how so much can change in just 2 months. dont really know where to start bleahs. yet i dont know how to start. all my thoughts are still jumbled. just a brief update on my life thus far.

well school has reopened 2 months ago. seems like a long time right? but time really flies. before u know it it is common test arghs. so so dead.

this year has really changed for me. ive started talking to and befriending pple i havent really been talking to last year, and moving away from people i once counted as friends. but on the other hand, would u considered pple who lied to u as friends? fags. yes it still haunts me to this day. and yes it IS infuriating. strangely im still rational (am i?) ah well as jonkong or mong will say, 'chill'. or emerson 'take it easy' or ryan 'forget it'. but tell me how u !#$%ing take it easy. or how to #$%^ing chill. like wtf would u do if u were me? !#$%ing hell . go *&^% yrselfs both of u. see im rational. im not swearing at all. im keeping my wits. im cool. yes indeedy. (whoever wants to know about it just ask me in school)

realised my potential in dancing when i could TEACH lindyhop :D. nah just kidding. lindyhop is really quite fun and im sure everyone had fun learning and dancing during civics. easily the most fun civics period of all time. had a kick teaching pple how to dance and watching pple screw up on the simpliest steps :D. nah i dont mean it. but seriously it was really funny. like lizhan who could NEVER get the dance steps right (rock step?? step?) , or siyuan, who is a danger to everyone 2m around him when he dances. poor jeslyn and huiwen and shuyi. thanks and much thanks to evelyn and justintan for teaching me how to dance in the first place, and being patient when I screwed up (prolly more times than lizhan). see i dint let u guys down. and of course the other dance teachers, justinng and liru. was really really fun

btw we (ruggers) WON NAVY 10s and UWC 10s!!! woot!!!! beat the shit out ac and saints. :D:D:D fear us mann. sorry that was rather old news. oh and the new jerseys came finally after like 2-3 months. and damn we look good in them. at least most of us. "wenloong i dint know u had a physique!" quoted from Marcus Blackburn. yes im sure wenloong likes our new jerseys very much. the only time i tried mine was with don before pe on wednesday and after that i could not remove it on my own. needed someone to strip it off me. its like wearing a freakin sports bra. or a corset. or a combination of both. but damn we feel sexy. photos of us with our super super jerseys will come at the next update. much later. yea much much later.

Lizhans presentation on Niecszhen on friday was surprisingly easy to understand. honestly. really really good. too bad u only had 10 mins :S. sorry that was really random.

Movies to watch soon:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (can almost hear shuyi sam and huiwen screamingz. bloom!! depp!!)
Munich (must must must watch)
Walk the Line
Brookback Mountain!! (yay lizhan lets goo)
Pink Panther
and whatever action movie is coming out

btw thanks mingchuan for doing up the class yearbook page on such last notice. yea i rather know u rather be studying now. even i rather be studying now.

btw new link -- huiwen. and updated all my other dead links too. belle and evelyns. huiwen grrrrr... pancake face >< >< ><. damn. sorry inside joke. stupid huiwen ^^

ok back to ionic equilibria. was trying to figure out a problem for siyuan and i started reading sandman instead. sorry siyuan ^^. til next time

random quote - Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body. -- Seneca.


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