Sunday, October 02, 2005

De Promos

Weekend before the gauntlet week. (gauntlet cos all the papers are on consec. days)
ahh so so so screwed for bio... and pple say that that's the easiest science. anyway GP and chinese were traumatic at best.

GP-- same day as lizhans birthday. (happy birthday lizhan btw). maybe tts why it went so badly for me lol.. did the essay on gender equality. actually wanted to do the one on patriotism but something went wrong in the planning stages so it got shelved. ended writing something about carly fiorina and some other powerful women in the essay. so so so gonna fail. compre was not that bad. i mean it can't be as bad as compared to the essay. baby crack dotz.
at least im not that only one that found it chaotic.
wen jie- "wahh i'm gonna fail gp and get retained!!" ..ok.. tts coming from someone with 10 a1s.. then maybe nxt year rj will have no j2s at all. and 2000 j1s.
Chinese -- chinese was, erm well, its chinese. didn't really give a shit about it. ah well if they could just give me a pass.. (hey at least i didnt fall asleep during the main paper again! although i did during the zuo wen.)

and tomorrow is chem, then physics, then bio (horror!!!) and finally maths. and after maths freedom!!! nah actually got some things to sort out. but mostly freedom hee..
PS: those pple interested in working in my dads clinic tell me as soon as possible plsss
PPS: and 3Q can u all tell me whether u all want a chalet anot? gotta tell me fast cos i gotta book.
PPPS: good luck to everyone for promos!! esp to ruggers and 3Q!! seriously i hope no one gets retained and everyone gets their S paper choices.

to end off, well something weird happened to me today. woke up at about 10am feeling very dazed and stunned. and instead of using shaving foam to shave i ended up using my styling foam. and the weird thing is that i didnt realise until i was done shaving. felt the same though.
see promos brings out the weirdess in pple. scrap promos...

Quote: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -- Dr Martin Luther King Jr. (Black civil rights activist)


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