Friday, September 02, 2005

Holidays (or lack of it)

whee its the holidays!!
or rather a pathetic excuse for a holiday. think of all the mugging that has to be done in 1 week? ... oh and my mum told me to tidy up my room b4 school reopens. not really sure which task is worse.
i have officially decided that promos are actually quite important and are actually worth studying for. to do all those s papers and stuff. (ok despite telling someone that i've started studying a long time ago, i am still way way way behind time.)
and have anyone decided which s paper combi is the best to take (for trip science doh)? all are, in my opinion, quite bad.
maths: compete with all the double maths people? what u crazy?
physics: yea and most of us dont understand the syllabus..
chemistry: look at physics
biology: 3 essays, and all the stuff to be written must be out of the syllabus. according to bertram.

so which s papers to take? hum.. none? maybe i should just focus on being promoted.
oh and to all the 3Q pple there. class outing on monday!

to less important stuff: need to go shopping desperately
new bag: had it with pple asking why is there duct tape on the straps of my bag. and i know it looks weird. (new trend. YAH MAN!!)
TYS (ten year series): muggerish i am now. was in popular with ben yesterday b4 training and we decided that additional TYSs (esp for physics and chem) are very important. Couldn't find any chinese guides by the way. Chinese = dead for both of us.
new stationery: new gear for new term. and to replace all my pens erasers rulers that mysteriously vanished this term.
thats about it really. happy muggings to everyone. XD

Note: thanks to ilman for giving me advice and hearing me out on that wednesday night. really really starting to rethink my priorities in life now. thanks. thanks. thanks!!! tts why you are the captain.

Random Quote: An eye for and eye makes the whole world blind. -- Mahatma Gandhi


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Frey said...

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