Saturday, October 08, 2005


And so it is over.
hooray or so i think.
basically i send most of promos thinking of what im gonna do after promos and now that promos are over, i actually dont really know what to do. (i mean, there's a limit to how much one can really dota. and my comp has been churning out fatal errors suddenly)
class outing on friday was fun fun fun. fun like the sentosa trip but in a different way. main diff is that east coast park is 5 mins from my house? whereas sentosa is like dunno where.
wad did we do there? usual beach stuff. except most of the time we werent actually on the beach, but at macs, or cathay bowl, or just basically everywhere except on the beach itself. and the sea of course.
who went? mostly the usual pple doh. me lizhan jonk yockteng joel mong mat michelle sam shuyi. and surprisingly justin liru and ethel came along too.
Monkey frisbee was dam fun, where yock teng astounded us with his proness at frisbee. lightning handz. high part was when michelles frisbee became stuck on the pavilion. yea then we were taking potshots at it to get it down by using a variety of other things, such as rugby ball and soccer ball. then yockteng got the brilliant brainwave of borrowing a stick to get a frisbee down.
hero of the day: definitely yockteng.
after frisbee we went to bike and skate. and i finally learnt to bike despite staying in the east for half my life. learnt to bike in about 5 mins! yea joel is a dam good teacher. or maybe im just a fast learner lol.. i mean compared to those who were learning how to skate. like getting tortored. lizhans super fall, jons super fall, etc etc etc.. doesnt help when me and justin were just biking around them haha.
bowling was chaotic for me. first time (i tink) that i was bowling. if i had bowled last time i couldnt remember. but bowling was really bad bad bad. and it really didnt help that i was bowling in the same lane as sam and michelle.

Final Scoreboard
S.P. (sam) 150+
M.L. (mich) 150+
T.K. (tubby kong. grr) 33

sad sad sad game. later games werent that bad as i expected as i was bowling with jon and joel. both were bowling newbies also. so the pressure wasnt that bad. somehow throwing the ball around doesnt really help. the ball goes faster into the drain infact.

Class outing at east coast park again soon!!!

tubby out

Random Quote: It's better to die on your feet than live on our knees. -- Dolores Ibarruri (spanish politician)


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Evelyn said...

YES CLASS OUTING AGAIN - one that i can actually go for :D


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