Sunday, October 09, 2005


title says all. now i shall give everyone a blow by blow account on the papers. (wenloong pls sit down.) pardon the lameness.

Chem: chem paper was easy relative to the past year papers and the cts. should be able to get A. worst case is B. made some careless mistakes here and there but should be ok. cmon i need this A..

Physics: same as chem, as in easy relative to cts. but was still quite bad as my mcq was disastrous. and i didnt really study harmonic motion. this despite the rumours that i finished the entire tys. (hmmm? evelyn?) oh well no ones perfect i guess. A if im really really lucky. already quite sure i will get B. boohoo

Biology: hoho. bio bio bio.. where do i start. the whole paper was wrong from the 1st page. (yea i just found out i got 10 wrong for my mcq. and mcq was supposed to be easy.) anyway the structured was very very very bad. well i could have skipped that whole section and would have got the same marks if i didnt skip it. essays were ok in general, cept that i didnt draw table for the phosphorylation question. so minus marks. just gimme a C can liao. not asking much.

Math: the easiest out of all the papers. most of my answers were correct after cross checking with reliable sources like wenjie and (maybe^^)lizhan. confident that i will get A in this. most confident in this subject. B will be a real real real shocker.

on the whole the promos were definitely much better than cts, and i actually studied for the promos for many many many hrs. (cts i had a total of 3hrs? not including the days before the papers) so there! :D

wishing everyone the best of luck to get their s paper combi, and get promoted of course.

to the certain someone who likes butterfly wings (inside joke): dont worry too much about your promos. seriously. u will prolly own all of us anyway. and relax cos u will get your 2 s papers. and maybe 3. (sorry if it sounds quite bad. dont really have your pwerful vocab.)

next class outing to east coast park will prolly be after chinese ao. (be considerate guys/girls/whatever. some pple take chinese. anyway most of the pple that went takes chinese. so wait. :D)

bbye all. wheesee. have fun while u all can guys. cos life in general is bad. very very bad. everything burns.

Random Quote: Little is known of Sierra Leone, and how it connect to the diamonds we own. -- Kanye West (American Singer)


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