Sunday, October 16, 2005


ok i've been tagged by wenloong. hmm thanks.

Instructions of the tag: Given a topic, you are to write down your answers in your blog, and then send the same topic to 5 other people. Write down the names of these 5 people and link to them on your blog. Go visit their blogs to notify them that they are tagged. The 5 people who are tagged should, in their own blogs, write down the name and the link of the person who tagged them, answer the same topic, and send it to another 5 people, etc.

yeah i just copied this from his blog direct. the marvels of technology. yesh indeed.

and my top 5 quirks? hmm again.

1. oh well most pple have this anyway. umm tend to overeat at buffets and end up being unable to get off my chair afterwards. yea then i will feel dam sick and guilty of how this would affect my training regime. feel myself getting so unfit already just thinking of it. :(

2. having no conscience? well sometimes i make fun of pple so much so that they almost have a breakdown. somehow my accomplices (lizhan? jon?) feel guilty about it. and i feel nothing. yea this is dam bad. maybe i will change it soon. or maybe not.

3. listening to music as much as possible- travelling, walking, running, during lectures, etc etc. even sleeping. its amazing how coldplay can put u to sleep dam fast. and i wonder why my ipod batts drain so dam fast.

4. being stubborn i guess. u all can ask ryan or nick soh. never really give up on things even if i have absolutely no hope. cos there's always that small small small chance.. and the fact that im human.

mental block wait a min...

5. my inaccurate first impressions of pple. like at first i thought that lizhan was gay, chenwei was a freakin poser, mong was an ac faggot, shuyi was an ice princess, michelle was a spolit brat etc etc etc. for some pple i was really really wrong. for others well..

whee that took quite a long time to do.
and the next 5 lucky pple are
evelyn!! haha.

(too little links on my blog sorry loong.)
uneagerly anticipating the return of promo results tomorrow, or tomorrow tomorrow.

have fun for now u pple. live and let live.

Random Quote: When there's life, there's hope. -- Cicero (Roman orator, politician & author)


At 4:58 PM, Blogger Evelyn said...

you haven't updated in a gazillion years!!


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