Tuesday, March 07, 2006

to my preciousses

hello. read thru all my previous posts and realized that i did not have any one post specifically directed to the ruggers

like omg right?? impossible!!

my band of brotherses

this was us in sec 4 going to glens birthday i think. we all still look so young and innocent. recognize anyone? :D (btw that is ben tun playing with someones palmtop)

senthil having some fun. (photo courtesy of just)

strong boy glen. and his big nose.

rugby chalet!! where all our deep dark secrets came out.

from left: me, don, wenloong

for more pics look under my photos under links.

i love u guys man. every one of u guys. damn that sounded soo brokeback. (as huiwen will say)

happy birthday 18th mark!!! and good luck to everyone for gp commontests tmr :D

random quote: Security is the kiss of death -- Tennessee Williams


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