Sunday, March 05, 2006

A long long waited update part II

hello again. seems that apparently i have much more to update about. what happened in the last 2++ months when blog was dead..

valentines day: seems like suddenly EVERYONE was attached on valentines day. man whats it with u teenagers and getting hitched.. anyway the non-attached ruggers (me, mark, wenloong and many more) became the founding members of the SOVD group (single on valentines day) (officially founding date -- 14/2/06.) (next meeting pending) First meeting for the highly exclusive SOVD was after training on that day. went to j8. SOVD + justin/evelyn + jaaf/sandya. ok so we accepted some couples. was great fun. discovered many new things about senthil. :D . btw thanks for all those valentines msgs from assorted pple. happy valentines day (only about a few weeks laggy)

ok writers blog for a while. gettit?? (writers block haha. nvm)

to all those who said i dont update: see i updated :D. and its a super long post too. ahh wad else wad else.

common tests: SCREW U COMMON TESTS I HATE U I REALLY REALLY HATE U. wow i feel a hell lot better. ok got to start studying bllleeaaahhhzzzz. thx for the rather (weird) but funny advice from liru and ethel. these are my aims for common tests.
maths-- A or else miss tok will positively KILL me.
chem/phys-- the min grade for me to stay in S
bio-- the sacrificial lamb (again)
im calm. oh boy im really calm.

more new links!!: jeslyn and sinhui and angel . i know some pple who will be really interested ^^

and hello to alvin kok who is prolly reading this now. who couldnt find my blog despite me chatting with him for the past 15 mins. best regards to all my ac friends, alvin, tung, jinghong etcetc.

Chinese AO: whee C5!! means i can drop chinese!!! OMG HAPPY DAYS!!! nothing wrong with getting a c5. "C5 only?? harrr" quoted from some shithead in rjc. not saying who. yea only a few pple got C5. (me, jonkong, mong, wenloong, glenhuang, nigel, gao, alvinkok, jiawei) and these are only the pple i can recall. btw congrats to charlotte who got A1 (omg sick) and sam who got b3 (which is very good for her :P) and matheus who got b3 too :D and chenwei B4 (omg u beat me)

hmmm anything i missed out? nothing? ahh

New Phone: about time too. new phone for my birthday :D. Samsung e600 to be precise. like finally after 3 years of using that nokia 7250 (which got destroyed courtesy of the ruggers. u fags hahaz) read rolands blog on the death of my old phone. actually thanks guys for destroying
my hp :D. only complaint about the new phone is that theres no radio. ok sorry im being overly critical again.

ok done. if i left out anything it will be in part 3.

random quote: Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. -- Malcolm X


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Evelyn said...

You've updated, it's a miracle!


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