Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Angry Rap Music

common tests are really soon. bleahzz. lets hope everyone is not as hopeless as me (like i havent started on bio zomg)

Passing the time by listening to very angry rap music. (new playlist on my ipod, made by me, for me.)
remember previously all i did was listen to rock? pple like mong shud know..
got my inspiration to create such a playlist from nigel, whose pod had nothing but rap music. yea hes warped :P. at least better than sam or shuyi or huiwen who listen to NOTHING but sleazy songs. creepy.

songs include:
Get Low (Featuring Ying yang Twins) -- Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz
Lean Back -- Fat Joe
Get Back -- Ludacris

well basically any songs with the words f**k or muddafu**ker or b1tches or any other fanciful language. (mind the censors cos there are grils reading this too). or songs by the ying yang twins. weird that these songs can give u strength in times when u dont really need strength.

just some random musings.

to all those pple having relationship problems, relaxxxxx. dont worry about it cos it will all come to pass. know that ill be there for BOTH of u if u all need someone to talk to. and dont do anything stupid plssss. too much weird shit has been happening lately.

For those who are depressed or recently depressed, DONT GET ANY IDEAS FROM THE RECENT HAPPENINGS. u all can and would get through it and pple will always be there for u. strange that all these weird shit always happens near the common tests or promos.

why do i keep saying weird shit? weird shit. and why am i so sentimental today? more weird shit. must be from reading too many blogs.

P.S : a hell lot of pple have been asking me who is Malcolm x and why i keep using his random quote. malcolm x is well a militarist human-rights leader. link is here .lazy to type is all out. go read if u have the time and use him in gp essay or smth. oh btw he was assasinated. like most other well known pple we know. well i find that he is kinda cool. except for that part where he got assasinated

Random Quote: Everyone of us gets through the tough times because someone is there, standing in the gap to close it for us. -- Oprah Winfrey (Talk-show host)


At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope i dun noe anyone who had breakups


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