Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Remembering and Reminiscencing

first and foremost, HAPPY TEACHERS DAY TO ALL TEACHERS out there. whether we like or hate you, you all still play an integral part in our growth and for that we thank/may not thank u.
Was quite a fun day as the concert was quite short XD. ended about 9.30? and for once the songs were actually nice. 'somewhere over the rainbow' and the song tt the guy sang.. 'somewhere in time' or smth like that.. cant remember the title lols.. the skit was quite crappish but who cares anyway? at least the new teachers put in the effort. hmm.
In the audience: will remember today for some time.. amused by sam and huiwen listening to russell peters on ipod. (stoned.. then.... HAHAHAHAZ!!!!) smth along that line; me and justin tan singing the somewhere in time song; evelyn who brought notes to the concert (OMG); ccp shouting her thanks to us (3Q) for giving her the bird nest, which she did not (not) want; trying to touch my toes after doing hamstring curls yest (yea thanks justin :P); so on so on
befriender meeting after that. nuttin much except that the open house is quite a long time from now.
then we went back to ri with ruggers. yea its dam far away. (sorry for those who needed to go back to rg or ny lol) saw all my previous teachers. had some weird convos with them thou..
me: mam did i change a lot?
mrs ho: erm, bsides the new specs, lost weight, tts it
me: did i grow taller?
mrs ho: (all the 4A pple sniggering in the background) yea u did..
Its a kind of u-have-to-be-there-to-appreciate-the-joke thinggy.
mrs lai: ahh have u seen my daughter yet? u know gill?
mr tan: kuang jun zhang, hua wen ji ge ma?
regretted not being able to see dr lee and miss grace. ah well. u cant have everything.
went to ri field with other ruggers to look at the field for a last time b4 its gone :(. all the memories, the blood, sweat, tears so on. remembering the times after friday trainings, sitting in the middle of the field with the others, talking about stuff, crap, astronomy (senthil lol), so on. Remembering the Milford/Azhar/Haniff, Seah/Ray/Howe, yes and of course all the sam trainings. (how to forget?) all the times when u want to quit but u don't cos the guys next to u don't.
all the times.. thanks ruggers!! really dunno what i will be/will do without u guys..
then we all went to jaafers house. watched back to the future (sorry for spoiling the story just:D), n of course pizza party. (Don remind me to pay jessica 1.60 for taxi fare) oh and i learnt how to take penalty quick taps today (tapping with sTyLe)!! thanks roland!!
Peace out doods..

Random Quote: The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. -- Malcolm X

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Tired Tuesday

today has been a total unproductive day. well actually very unproductive but i won't go into details. or maybe i might haz.
bio: tcher was explaining smth on respiration. spent most the time talking to evelyn and liru though (learnt new word: Pyruvate! :D)
GP: grammer worksheet. then a lecture on (not) playing cards in school yada yada..
Chinese: stayed awake for half hour woot!!! then u know e rest.. stupid nigel skipped it again.
Math lec: slept through half of math. stayed awake only by talking to emerson about stuff. Stuff
Break: even breaks are not fun anymore. went to library after eating. seriously!!
Chem tutorial: freeloaded from weemin's (mamamin's) marshmellows cos i felt quite stoned. spent the rest talking about songs with sam n shuyi
Physics prac: stoned again. feel stoned all the time now since last week..
Training: the phil training i looked forward to never actually materialised. did gym instead. then rugby tennis :D. boring end to a boring day
A very fun day right? yessings indeedings. all e best and good luck to my readers.

Note: A big THANK YOU to the person/people who asked whether i was all right or sick/depressed/repressed/suppressed today. well seriously i am not. just some weird shit occurring to me that SHOULDN'T get me down (though it did) . shit i'm becoming sentimental again. bleahz..

Looking forward to match again SRC on sat.. prolly the only high point of the week.

Random Quote: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. -- Sir Winston Churchill

Monday, August 29, 2005

First Post

hello all..
weird that i will start my first post by bitching. well there was this teacher that caught a whole bunch of my classmates playing bridge in the canteen. yeah we were quite dumb but cmon, no need to smirk at us while scolding us right? (should have seen her face light up when we told her our ct is u no hu)
anyhowz, then she went to the cheng teng store to scold chen wei for helping the aunty sell cheng teng. (CHEN WEI U ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO SELL FOOD!!!) chen wei is also quite dumb (he was IN the store and dispensing cheng teng to us) but tts not the point. then when she saw me. she smirked at me again. maybe its my face..
After the s-cube seminar (which was good btw), u no hu saw me at the canteen and started scolding me. ask me who were the others; where were they, basically started interrogating me. now i know how lim bo seng felt. oooh and i have to write a 'long letter of apology' for her as well. haiz. well could be worse thou.
wrote the letter after dinner. meanwhile had a nice talk with sam while trying to write letter, study chem, and bio. pro multitasker i will be.
mum dint say anything when she signed e letter. dad laughed when i told him later. cool parents, i have :D
Last training in the RI field tomorrow.. nostalgia sets in. 5 yrs of history. 5 yrs of blood sweat n tears. and the legacy goes on

random quote: Courage is the resistance of fear and the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear. -- Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)