Tuesday, May 30, 2006

hello. i've decided to update.

first of all, i want to thank the GREAT Hui Wen for sending me physics which she sent long ago but SILLY me didnt save it. i'm so so so so so so so grateful to her. she's the best.

ok i'm off to a vacation with _______.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006



we lost.

15-10. good job saints.

fucking hell. fucking fucking hell.

sorry i don't really get emotional while blogging but this is different. (i am holding back my tears as im writing this out. seriously i thought they were all gone. ahh fuck.)

well since its not good to wallow in self pity or contempt, i would just like to say a big thank you to all those who mattered to me, and then move on. (time to clear the mountain of tutorials and assignments :S)

my family: to mum, dad, lijie, thanks for putting up with all my lame excuses why im too tired to study cos of training, for putting up with all my weird moods, and thanks for being there always, for supporting me during my hardest times. though i may not say it directly to your faces, and i may not show it, i really love u all.

my classmates: who have put up with my constant changes in moods for the past month.
marcus, yockteng, lizhan, jon and yuanhao who had to put up with all of my bullshit and gaying around in class. (that won't end for a while :P especially for yockteng)
liru, evelyn, jeslyn, sinhui, sam, huiwen and shuyi, well, for also putting up with all my bullshit and crap.
bimbos, for brightening up my mood sometimes with all of your lameness and pure weirdness. (Imagine Sherlene going "GEEEELLGEEEELLL!!!")
even michelle, whom, when we were still talking terms, told me never to neglect my training and my teammates. yea thanks.
siyuan, my ragdoll in class (get used to getting thrown around hah!)
mingchuan, who had nothing but words of encouragement for me always (happy birthday btw)
charlotte, who sometimes kept notes for me when i wasnt around, who was always so supportive of the rugby season even though she was so damn busy with her tennis/piano/mugging/whateverelse.

basically thanks to all of my classmates, sometimes u all really make my day.

my teachers: who have put up with all my excuses of why im so tired in lessons, why my work is late or not handed in, why why why. Mrs Lim, Mr Koh, Mr Tan, Miss Chia and Mr Lim. sometimes i know i really infuriate u all by my slackness. don't worry i will start my hardcore mugging now that i have no excuses. don't worry about me.

the supporters today: thanks to all of the supporters and councilors who actually bothered to come to the desolate place that is the home academy. Really meant a lot to us for u all to be there, cheering us on when we are winning and even when we were down. really sorry that we could not give u guys a victory. really sorry that you all had to see us break down. The Instituition Anthem at the end just did it for us. most of us just let our emotions flow. Anyway we really appreciate and would like to send a big thank you to everyone who was there. all my friends whom i saw there (chenwei, bencai, guang, too many to think)

Cat, Shumin & Dani & Evelyn: thanks for the "care packages" that we received before our finals match (mine are still unopened and uneaten). and of course, all the touch ruggers who were there with the supporters to support us. (carmen, michellekoo, nina, amanda and others whom i know by face but not by name)

Mr Blackburn, Rhys, Mr Siva & Mr Khamel: mr blackburn, our head coach, who was the one most instrumental in helping us reach the finals and bringing us so close to victory. this guy is seriously a brilliant man and it was an honour to be able to work with him. Rhys, our forwards coach. Mr Siva, our teacher in charge, who was albeit a bit niao with us on at times for our conduct. (though we know it was for our own good. yea) Mr Khamel, our other teacher in charge

and of course,

the ruggers: a big shout out to the guys in school that mattered the most to me. where do i even begin?

It has been an honour and a prilivege to be with u guys in the rugby team, going out on the field, sweating, bleeding, crying with u guys. Winning with u guys, fighting, battling, falling with u all. Today, though we lost, you all are my heroes. u all are my idols. we all are champions together.

so what if we did not win anything in our 6 years together?
so what if we did not feel as if we accomplish anything?

so what if we have each other?

in our 6 years, we have gained each other. we have grown up in these 6 years knowing that someone would always be there to help u, to protect and defend you, to watch our backs, to die for u. these bonds forged are stronger than steel or adamantium or whatever. so dint we accomplish something? was 6 years really for naught?

we are a band of brothers.
we win as a band of brothers.
we lose as a band of brothers.
we die as a band of brothers.
no matter what, we will always have each other.

we know each others most private secrets, we share our most private secrets, we shall always treasure the bonds of friendship that we have made. not even the saints or the apostles or whoever can take that away from us.

remember who we are playing for. true, we are representing raffles, we are playing for raffles, but we go into any match or competition not for our own individual selfs, but for each other. for the guy next to you, for the guy whom you will place your life in, for the guy who has been through hell and back for you.

everyone in the team: ilman, glen, jed, wenloong, senthil, jaaf, arjun, wenjie, ryan, hanyi, steve, don, myself, thadd, bigaaron, smallaaron, karwei, cheemeng, just, zhehan, nazi, mark, stuart, justin, roland, david, joel, john, bentun and daniel. we are all winners. i owe everything to u guys.
everyone in the team today mattered the most to me. everyone. so screw the result and move on.

and so a chapter closes.

random quote: All for one, one for all, R-A-F-F-L-E-S raffles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello! This is Evelyn hijacking Tubby's blog because he really sucks at updating. Stagnant blog, grrrr.

Tubby's favourite break time is Tuesday's 1 pm lunch break, no prizes for guessing why teeheehee.

Hmm. Tubby is a boring boy so I don't know what to write about him. Hmm.

It's actually Physics prac now, but we're in the computer lab, and Mr Lim (being himself) is talking happily to the floor and not to us, which explains why we're all typing away on our computers even though this practical session has nothing whatsoever to do with computers. Oh no poor Mr Lim. Tubby says he hasn't done any Physics tutorials since April! Which is surprisingly a lot better than Liru and I, who haven't touched any since, um, last year. Hahaha. Good job, Tubby!

Perhaps after this, I should productively use my time here in Physics prac, and study Bio or something.

(I hope dear Mr Lim doesn't read blogs! Just in case: We <3 you Mr Lim! Please forgive us of our grievous sins.)

Ok now, I shall show you the masterpiece that I created, dedicated to Tubby, inspired by his sunburn.


Tubby's Day
- Written by Evelyn

Tubby was sunburnt the other day
And now his face is badly peeling.
Upon discovery, all he could say,
Was "You don't know the pain I'm feeling!"

He struggled long and hard to find
The very object of his desire.
However, fate was being unkind ...
For he could find no moisturizer!

Now, wasn't that brilliant? (:

Ok The End of Evelyn's nonsense. Leave a comment because Tubby loves comments (:

Bye! (: (: (:

PS: And I gave him a tagboard! :D

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dance Night (and whatever else happened on SAT)

ok ok the dance night update. the one everyone is bugging me about.

lalala where do i begin....

SATS on sat in the morning in acjc. omfg was so damn horrendous i rather run 10km than take sats again. or maybe endure 4 hrs of chinese lessons. most of the words i studied eventually came out.

and then

training in the afternoon :).

and then



dance night, of course, did not dissapoint at all. yup. all the items were really very awesome. like really wow. but i still think the best were the opening item and the fever thinggy.

(btw the title of the song used in the opening item is We're all in this together)

really enjoyed myself, but would have enjoyed myself more if CERTAIN councilors did not msg me during the items or kept sniggering when i went past them. (grr:X)

thoughts are still rather jumbled up soo
- GO NIGEL!!! hahaz u dint kill anyone on stage with your dancing
- fever was nice
- somehow all the chinese dancers look the same
- evelyn looks so weird in the clog dance (hahaz)
- virtually no leg room at where i was seating (okok i had my training gear with me)
- ryan who kept offering to help me search for her (like i needed any help)
- fever was nice
- people who kept asking me who the flowers were for
- jeremy mark zomg!!!
- funky hip-hop by cat and others!! never fail to impress
- fever was nice
- evelyn who PUSHED me there
- chenweis and linette/joshuas waaaaaah waaaaah waaaahh!!! and waah.
- all the other surrounding people. you weirdos. fine u got your show :P

ok tts about it for dance night. was supposed to go chenweis house after dance night but was too sleepy in the end.

prologue: ended up with ruggers at lau pa sat where we ate dessert and watched election results. singapore politics. lol.

random quote: It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. -- William McAdoo (US industralist)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Finally an update

saw something cool when i was blog cruising. this will barely take 10 mins so just do anyway.
it's called HAVE U EVER!! (changed some of them to others to suit the more present context)

rules: u score 1 point from something u have done and see your total. and your life thus far.
be honest!

have u ever

1) smoked
2) consumed alcohol
3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5) made out with someone of the opposite sex
6) made out with someone of the same sex
7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex
8) watched porn
9) bought porn
10) done drugs

11) taken pain killers
12) taken someone else's prescription medicine
13) lied to your parents
14) lied to a friend
15) snuck out of the house
16) done something illegal
17) cut yourself
18) hurt someone
19) wished someone to die
20) almost made someone die

21) missed curfew
22) stayed out all night
23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
24) been to a therapist
25) been jealous of someone
26) dyed your hair
27) received a ticket (parking doh)
28) been in a wreck
29) been to a club
30) been to a bar

31) been to a wild party
32) groped someone
34) had a spring break in Florida
35) sniffed anything
36) wore black nail polish
37) wore arm bands
38) wore t-shirts with band names
39) listened to rap
40) own a 50 cent CD

41) dressed gothic
42) dressed prep
43) dressed punk
44) dressed grunge
45) stole something
46) been too drunk to remember anything
47) blacked out
48) fainted
49) had a crush on your neighbor
50) had someone sneak into your room

51) snuck into someone else's room
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex
53) been to a concert
54) dry humped someone
55) been called a slut
56) called someone a slut
57) fantasized about a close friend of the opposite sex
58) fantasized about an aquaintence of the opposite sex
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
60) brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush

61) consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters
63) cruised the mall
64) skipped school
65) had an eating disorder
66) had an injury
67) gone to court
68) walked out of a restaurant without paying
69) caught something on fire
70) lied about your age

71) owned an apartment
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73) cheated with someone
74) got in trouble with the police
75) talked to a stranger
76) hugged a stranger
77) kissed a stranger
78) rode in the car with a stranger
79) been sexually harassed
80) been verbally harassed

81) met face to face with someone you met online
82) stayed online for 12 hours straight
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight
84) watched TV for 12 hours straight
85) been to a fair
86) been called a bad influence
87) cursed
88) prank-called someone
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
90) cheated on a test

91) cheated on homework
92) held hands with someone of the opposite sex
93) been pushed into a pool
94) played pool
95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
97) had a crush on someone younger than you
98) wear eyeliner
99) skinny dipped
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt

my score: 44/100
hmm is that considered bad? how is playing pool bad anyway?

nvm about that

more about dance night another time :D.

random quote: It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. -- Alfred Adler