Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Songs to have for real

after the disastrously popular first playlist of weirdness songs that i uploaded here a few months ago, (which had half the class and the rugby team singing the campfire song for a few WEEKS straight), i decided that for the sake of everyones eardrums and sanity i shall post a list of songs which in my opinion, should have at least won a grammy. or a be on everyones computer

and in no particular order......

1) Champagne Supernova -- Oasis
One of Oasis's best hits, this song is basically about getting high after drinking champagne and taking drugs after the same time. (according to Noel Gallager) but there are many other interpretations of this as well. like how you are sooooo addicted to someone that you learn for that person 24/7.

2) Wonderwall -- Oasis
The BEST Oasis song EVER. this is a song you will wanna sing to your lover all day and night. yea those who went to the oasis concert with me would remember who was screaming for them to sing wonderwall (btw thanks for the tix wenloong). YOU'RE MY WONDERWAAAAALLLLL

3) That's Why (You Go Away) -- Michael Learns to Rock
this song is a beauty... the usual sappy, sad, oh-i-just-broke-up-i-wanna-go-to-a-korner-and-cry song. those who were at befrienders last year can try to recall me and guanghao multilating that song when hanloong was singing it last year. most of u would have heard this song when u were young.

4) The Actor -- Michael Learns to Rock
another mltr song. frankly all of their songs are really good. they are like that hoobastank of the 1990s, except that they keep their shirts on during their concerts and they are from denmark. this song has no particular significance (unless your crush is dating someone really popular/rich/handsome/supermangodlike) but the tune and lyrics are really good.

hmmm dammit seems like every song is really good. like duh if not why are they here??

5) My Boo -- Alicia Keys & Usher
I think duets are so nice. don't you think so? my boooooooooooo

6) Almost Here -- Delta Goodrem & Brian Mcfadden
Another duet. a song that makes you sit down and think 'hey, maybe girls are NOT the bane of our existence, but they ARE our existence'. just for the duration of that song. then u return to your ohgirlsicouldntcarelessaboutthem mode.

7) I Don't Want To Miss A Thing -- Aerosmith
just imagine you waking up next to your partner (of an opposite sex). You gaze into those eyes lovingly and both of you embrace together. Use your imagination for part 2. oh and the fact that is was the OST for Armageddon, which was one of the best movies ever made. (that will come in a later post)

8) Hotel California -- Eagles
eagles. why? cos they just own everyone else in acoustic guitar. except maybe for eric clapton. yea pple may say that this song is about hell and is satanic and if u listen to it backwards you will hear the devil speaking. well then don't listen to it.

9) Blurry -- Puddle of Mudd
forget that the band has a really horrible name. just listen to the lyrics and the acoustics. makes you want to hate the world and kill someone. yea an idea psyche up song i think.

10) Tilt Ya Head Back -- Christina Aguilera & Nelly
and yet another duet, except that this one is sooooo saucy. yea. and it is sams favourite song. hmm why don't we sing this together anymore?

11) Get Low -- Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz (Featuring Ying Yang Twins)
hoho. the crown jewel of all crunk music, the regent of R&B, the symbol of sleeeeazy. it's seriously hard not to like this song.

hmmm no songs for female artistes. so much for female equality.

oh well that will be reseved till next time.

Note to everyone: Watch Munich and V for Vendetta (Wee for wendetta in senthil's case :D) both movies are really really really really really good. like the best movies i ever saw since Pirates of the Caribbean and Terminator 3 came out. wad happened to all the good movies last year?

Quote: Experience is the name that men give to their mistakes. -- Oscar Wilde

Sunday, March 26, 2006

shes beautiful....

"she sat behind the glass covered display, looking at us slyly and sending come-hither glances. All of us turned around and could only stare in heightened arousal.
As she lay eagle spread on her comfortable yet spartan counter, we would only wonder how it would be to be near her, relishing her, pressing her buttons and how she would pleasure us in turn, how she would submit willingly to our every command without any hesitation.
She is perfect in every way. She is truly a gift from God.
This was the object of our dreams, our desires. But her price was just too high. We walked away from the small shop dejected and already knowing someone else would be there before us. Already our attention on her was waning as we shuffled off to procure some refreshments.
But some of us will never forget. Some of us will be back for her. We will return."

we will come back for u!!

the events that transpired above occurred after weights on friday, when we passed by the microsoft store. ahhh xbox 360, u are the one for me. you are the perfection. but i think i shud only get it after a levels or ill be really really screwed.
to convince any other skeptics
Xbox 360 official site
to wenjie: xbox 360 TOTALLY OWNS PS3
hahaz was really bored. what other ways to express your creativity??

on other notes

class outing to marinaa!! after watching going marks house with ruggers. which was after weights. watched the gods must be crazy 2 and other assorted videos.

gods must be crazy 2 is seriously one of the most retarded shows i have watched. slapstick humour + racist humour. i advice anyone who has an excess of 1000000000 brain cells or too much time to rent and watch it. btw the lead actor had a ! in his name. was like na!xtu or smth. really funky..

marina south!!
met up with the class at about 1930 after sharing cab with DINGSTERZ back to bishan mrt. would have been lost if not for the precise instructions that marcus gave.
STEAMBOAT BUFFET!!!! eat!!! watch charity skewer prawns!!! eat!!! watch lizhan scream when prawns got skewered!!! eat!!! laugh at siyuan!!! eat!!! watch bear skewer prawns!! etcetc. then went to the waterfront. ahhh that place is so nice and romantic. so tranquil, quiet, everything u would look for if u were looking for a romantic location.. (somehow i wasnt bitten by mosquitoes) but we scared away a couple who were about to make out. stupid teenagers.
realised that huiwen has a quite limited knowledge on general knowledge. hahaz.
"How did WW2 affect the demographic model of western europe?"
"umm.... huh?"
u get the idea. well she was the one who wanted to talk about serious stuff instead of guys or girls :P

oh NOSE dingszters is the most up and coming blog of the week. visit it again!!!!

Random Quote: There are many protections against temptation, but the surest is cowardice. -- Mark Twain

Thursday, March 23, 2006


whoopee the cts are over.
hmm just realised that im really quite screwed for the cts (like 99% of all the RJ pple said)
nvm to wind down go to a very cool site by a very cool group of moderators.
can wow/dota in peace now yay!!!

had dinner with ruggers after training, where we had a nice long talk from very important worldly issues ranging from how aids was first transmitted (aha a human did NOT screw a chimp) to how joel lum's brother sees life. (sex for dinner, death for breakfast). LOLL.

ok that was a really quick update.. will be putting more energy into DINGSTERZROX!!!!! a website dedicated to our handsomest and dearest friend ryan tan yong ding!!! dont forget to go!!! DINGSTERZROX!!!

new link to DINGSTERZROX!!!

hahaz ruggers with too much time to kill and nothing to do at night.. except kiss the tropheys :P. sorry another insider joke..

random quote: There is more misery in the lower classes then humility in the higher. -- Victor Hugo (French author. Les Miserables)

random quote:

Saturday, March 18, 2006


common tests are really soon. let me do a check on how well prepared i am
bio: 0.000000000000001%
maths: 50%
physics: 25%
chemistry: 25%
that adds up to a grand total of 100%!!! wow im so well prepared indeed. oh well i mean who is really prepared for common tests? freaks in 3p maybe..

nothing really interesting is happening now. main highlight of the day? training in the morning. other than that? a dead day.

been a bit pissed off lately cos coach said i might not make the 1st 28 of rugby. dammit got to work harder to ensure that i stay and not lose my position to some j1.. no offense on the ji ruggers. great pple u all are. love u guys too :D.

sorry mark for nearly gouging your eye out on thursdays training. well if is makes u feel better i have 2 chunks of flesh missing from the hands now. from the same accident. really sorry and guilty about it.

really sorry again for the recent boring updates lately. just cant think of anything interesting to say except about the intricasies of my soooo interesting life.

random quote: Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. -- Lord Alfred Tennyson

Thursday, March 16, 2006

random update

cant think of a title. so this shall be my title :D. seriously need a tagboard. pple have been asking me when will i get a tagboard so well i will get one soon. (JON HELP ME GET ONE PLSS) yup im still a noobie when it comes to blogging. can tell by my blogskin and my lack of design.

havent started on bio yet. hahaz. so dead. dont think i will start. who the hell will be so crazy to study a whole years syllabus??? maybe pple like yiling and wenjie. freaks. yeah. just gonna do chem and physics (which i dont really know about anyway)

sighs. common tests. tired. sian. bored. sleepy (not). hyper (maybe). listening to more angry rap music maybe tts why i cant sleep. shud try doing dc circuits later :(

tried to tinker around with my template. got huiwens name correct hahaz (huiweRn). cant believe i dint notice that until recently.

strange that i thought that i had a lot to update but now, block again. so until i can remember, happy mugging/stoning/praying for salvation.

random quote: Sad people don't do anything. Angry people bring about change. -- Malcolm X (yet again :D)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Angry Rap Music

common tests are really soon. bleahzz. lets hope everyone is not as hopeless as me (like i havent started on bio zomg)

Passing the time by listening to very angry rap music. (new playlist on my ipod, made by me, for me.)
remember previously all i did was listen to rock? pple like mong shud know..
got my inspiration to create such a playlist from nigel, whose pod had nothing but rap music. yea hes warped :P. at least better than sam or shuyi or huiwen who listen to NOTHING but sleazy songs. creepy.

songs include:
Get Low (Featuring Ying yang Twins) -- Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz
Lean Back -- Fat Joe
Get Back -- Ludacris

well basically any songs with the words f**k or muddafu**ker or b1tches or any other fanciful language. (mind the censors cos there are grils reading this too). or songs by the ying yang twins. weird that these songs can give u strength in times when u dont really need strength.

just some random musings.

to all those pple having relationship problems, relaxxxxx. dont worry about it cos it will all come to pass. know that ill be there for BOTH of u if u all need someone to talk to. and dont do anything stupid plssss. too much weird shit has been happening lately.

For those who are depressed or recently depressed, DONT GET ANY IDEAS FROM THE RECENT HAPPENINGS. u all can and would get through it and pple will always be there for u. strange that all these weird shit always happens near the common tests or promos.

why do i keep saying weird shit? weird shit. and why am i so sentimental today? more weird shit. must be from reading too many blogs.

P.S : a hell lot of pple have been asking me who is Malcolm x and why i keep using his random quote. malcolm x is well a militarist human-rights leader. link is here .lazy to type is all out. go read if u have the time and use him in gp essay or smth. oh btw he was assasinated. like most other well known pple we know. well i find that he is kinda cool. except for that part where he got assasinated

Random Quote: Everyone of us gets through the tough times because someone is there, standing in the gap to close it for us. -- Oprah Winfrey (Talk-show host)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

to my preciousses

hello. read thru all my previous posts and realized that i did not have any one post specifically directed to the ruggers

like omg right?? impossible!!

my band of brotherses

this was us in sec 4 going to glens birthday i think. we all still look so young and innocent. recognize anyone? :D (btw that is ben tun playing with someones palmtop)

senthil having some fun. (photo courtesy of just)

strong boy glen. and his big nose.

rugby chalet!! where all our deep dark secrets came out.

from left: me, don, wenloong

for more pics look under my photos under links.

i love u guys man. every one of u guys. damn that sounded soo brokeback. (as huiwen will say)

happy birthday 18th mark!!! and good luck to everyone for gp commontests tmr :D

random quote: Security is the kiss of death -- Tennessee Williams

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A long long waited update part II

hello again. seems that apparently i have much more to update about. what happened in the last 2++ months when blog was dead..

valentines day: seems like suddenly EVERYONE was attached on valentines day. man whats it with u teenagers and getting hitched.. anyway the non-attached ruggers (me, mark, wenloong and many more) became the founding members of the SOVD group (single on valentines day) (officially founding date -- 14/2/06.) (next meeting pending) First meeting for the highly exclusive SOVD was after training on that day. went to j8. SOVD + justin/evelyn + jaaf/sandya. ok so we accepted some couples. was great fun. discovered many new things about senthil. :D . btw thanks for all those valentines msgs from assorted pple. happy valentines day (only about a few weeks laggy)

ok writers blog for a while. gettit?? (writers block haha. nvm)

to all those who said i dont update: see i updated :D. and its a super long post too. ahh wad else wad else.

common tests: SCREW U COMMON TESTS I HATE U I REALLY REALLY HATE U. wow i feel a hell lot better. ok got to start studying bllleeaaahhhzzzz. thx for the rather (weird) but funny advice from liru and ethel. these are my aims for common tests.
maths-- A or else miss tok will positively KILL me.
chem/phys-- the min grade for me to stay in S
bio-- the sacrificial lamb (again)
im calm. oh boy im really calm.

more new links!!: jeslyn and sinhui and angel . i know some pple who will be really interested ^^

and hello to alvin kok who is prolly reading this now. who couldnt find my blog despite me chatting with him for the past 15 mins. best regards to all my ac friends, alvin, tung, jinghong etcetc.

Chinese AO: whee C5!! means i can drop chinese!!! OMG HAPPY DAYS!!! nothing wrong with getting a c5. "C5 only?? harrr" quoted from some shithead in rjc. not saying who. yea only a few pple got C5. (me, jonkong, mong, wenloong, glenhuang, nigel, gao, alvinkok, jiawei) and these are only the pple i can recall. btw congrats to charlotte who got A1 (omg sick) and sam who got b3 (which is very good for her :P) and matheus who got b3 too :D and chenwei B4 (omg u beat me)

hmmm anything i missed out? nothing? ahh

New Phone: about time too. new phone for my birthday :D. Samsung e600 to be precise. like finally after 3 years of using that nokia 7250 (which got destroyed courtesy of the ruggers. u fags hahaz) read rolands blog on the death of my old phone. actually thanks guys for destroying
my hp :D. only complaint about the new phone is that theres no radio. ok sorry im being overly critical again.

ok done. if i left out anything it will be in part 3.

random quote: Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. -- Malcolm X

a long long long long awaited update

title says it all.. so so much has happened since i last updated. strange how so much can change in just 2 months. dont really know where to start bleahs. yet i dont know how to start. all my thoughts are still jumbled. just a brief update on my life thus far.

well school has reopened 2 months ago. seems like a long time right? but time really flies. before u know it it is common test arghs. so so dead.

this year has really changed for me. ive started talking to and befriending pple i havent really been talking to last year, and moving away from people i once counted as friends. but on the other hand, would u considered pple who lied to u as friends? fags. yes it still haunts me to this day. and yes it IS infuriating. strangely im still rational (am i?) ah well as jonkong or mong will say, 'chill'. or emerson 'take it easy' or ryan 'forget it'. but tell me how u !#$%ing take it easy. or how to #$%^ing chill. like wtf would u do if u were me? !#$%ing hell . go *&^% yrselfs both of u. see im rational. im not swearing at all. im keeping my wits. im cool. yes indeedy. (whoever wants to know about it just ask me in school)

realised my potential in dancing when i could TEACH lindyhop :D. nah just kidding. lindyhop is really quite fun and im sure everyone had fun learning and dancing during civics. easily the most fun civics period of all time. had a kick teaching pple how to dance and watching pple screw up on the simpliest steps :D. nah i dont mean it. but seriously it was really funny. like lizhan who could NEVER get the dance steps right (rock step?? step?) , or siyuan, who is a danger to everyone 2m around him when he dances. poor jeslyn and huiwen and shuyi. thanks and much thanks to evelyn and justintan for teaching me how to dance in the first place, and being patient when I screwed up (prolly more times than lizhan). see i dint let u guys down. and of course the other dance teachers, justinng and liru. was really really fun

btw we (ruggers) WON NAVY 10s and UWC 10s!!! woot!!!! beat the shit out ac and saints. :D:D:D fear us mann. sorry that was rather old news. oh and the new jerseys came finally after like 2-3 months. and damn we look good in them. at least most of us. "wenloong i dint know u had a physique!" quoted from Marcus Blackburn. yes im sure wenloong likes our new jerseys very much. the only time i tried mine was with don before pe on wednesday and after that i could not remove it on my own. needed someone to strip it off me. its like wearing a freakin sports bra. or a corset. or a combination of both. but damn we feel sexy. photos of us with our super super jerseys will come at the next update. much later. yea much much later.

Lizhans presentation on Niecszhen on friday was surprisingly easy to understand. honestly. really really good. too bad u only had 10 mins :S. sorry that was really random.

Movies to watch soon:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (can almost hear shuyi sam and huiwen screamingz. bloom!! depp!!)
Munich (must must must watch)
Walk the Line
Brookback Mountain!! (yay lizhan lets goo)
Pink Panther
and whatever action movie is coming out

btw thanks mingchuan for doing up the class yearbook page on such last notice. yea i rather know u rather be studying now. even i rather be studying now.

btw new link -- huiwen. and updated all my other dead links too. belle and evelyns. huiwen grrrrr... pancake face >< >< ><. damn. sorry inside joke. stupid huiwen ^^

ok back to ionic equilibria. was trying to figure out a problem for siyuan and i started reading sandman instead. sorry siyuan ^^. til next time

random quote - Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body. -- Seneca.