Wednesday, June 07, 2006

obs/home affairs


i actually had prepared a very long, beautiful post on this but when i pressed publish post, somehow EVERYTHING got freaking deleted. (retarded comps) goddamitimpissedoffman

prolly something to do with the 6/6/06 thing. lawl.

since i was too lazy to retype everything, well obs was fun. many many funny weird memories to bring back. (and since it was fully sponsored by the home affairs uniformed services thing, it was free too hahaz)

only drawback was that had to miss rugby gathering at harrys bar on fri :(

basically we did what we usually did at obs. (from fri to sun)
1) hiked around pulau ubin,
2) treasure hunt for some metal thinggys attached on trees that would never be found
3) pitching camps and then destroying them
4) kayaking around and through palau ubin (yea weeleng we rock)
5) getting anaemia from all the mosquitoes (yea i think i lost like 10 litres of blood). freaking mosquito repellent does not work AT ALL.
6) cooking raisin rice!! good job all the guys that were involved. which were me, jx, haojun and bing
7) climbing the inverse tower relatively easily.
8) romance on the inverse tower (right j&k?)

basically obs was not as physically or mentally draining as expected, esp since how freda (the organiser) described it like we were going to hell liddat. in fact it was like a 5 star hotel in bing's words. (just minus off all the damn mosquitoes and we could have lived there forever). well actually we also had a super pro instructor (gideon) who taught us a very unique way to cook rice and also our group was also damn pro. go barker!

more about what we did on monday and tuesday another time. when the comp does not cock up on me again.

p.s: huiwen U ARE RETARDED.

random quote: Democracy is a device that ensures that we shall be governed no better than we deserve. -- George Bernard Shaw


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