Thursday, October 27, 2005


wow whee its raining heavily.

so heavy that my study table is wet. so that gives me an excuse to (finally) blog. hahaz.
the past few days have been rather depressing. promo results, op dry run, and now (horror of horrors!!!) chinese ao. not to mention the previous crazy trainings. (which were rather fun btw :D)

since the weather is so dreary, ill tell some of my better jokes to lighten the mood and make your day happier. (or at least the jokes that i remembered)

Joke 1
A doctor, an engineer and a politician were having an argument about whose profession was the oldest in the world.
"God took a rib out of Adam and created Eve. That is the world's first surgical operation, thus my job is the oldest," said the surgeon.
"yeah yeah but before God did that, he created the Earth out of the chaos that was the universe! That is a really marvelous piece of engineering!" countered the engineer.
The politician looked at them truimphantly and said,"Aha! but who created the chaos?"

not an insult to any current or would be politicians reading this blog, but if i disappear suddenly u all probably know wad happened. (I.S.A.I.S.A.I.S.A.I.S.A.)

Joke 2
In the early 1900s in Singapore, there were still tigers roaming around the jungles in Bras Brasah. It was at about this time when a refined englishman, Mr Westinham, was entertaining his guests in his colonial mansion.
"That's a wonderful stuffed tiger u got there," commented one of his guests.
Mr Westinham replied,"Thank you. I got that creature when i was out hunting with my good friend, Frank Swettenham. He accidentally kicked the tiger in the nuts when it was sleeping but then together we managed to subdue and kill it."
"Wow, super! What's it stuffed with, though?" asked the curious guest.
"Frank Swettenham," came the reply.

well with all the racist blogs being shut down and their writers prosecuted, let me say that this is not any comment towards our beloved eurasian community. Any resemblence of this event to anyone died or alive is purely coincidental.

Joke 3 (Confucius Jokes!!)
Wise man Confucius says: Success is relative. The greater the success the more the relatives.
Confucius he says: Person who drives a second-hand car knows how it is to drive a bargain.

Joke 4
The doctor welcomed his outpatient into his clinic and said, "Mrs Tan, I have some good news for you."
"Why thank you doctor, but I'm a Miss Tan, not Mrs Tan. I'm not married yet you see," she replied shyly.
"Well um Miss Tan, I have some bad news for you." doc replied.

ok ran out of jokes for now. tired see. maybe next time will have more. depends on my mood haha.

to a certain someone: you told me once that bad things always happen to you when it rains. well it's raining like hell now. i just can't help thinking about you now and i just hope and pray that nothing bad happens to you. (yea i know i dont usually pray.) You've been through enough already and i dont want to see you hurt again. i want you to know that i'm not pissed off with you or anything despite what other pple might say. yea and well we have some issues to iron out. maybe we should talk again some time soon.

til next time

Random Quote: Your thoughts betray you. -- High Templar in Starcraft: Broodwar.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


ok i've been tagged by wenloong. hmm thanks.

Instructions of the tag: Given a topic, you are to write down your answers in your blog, and then send the same topic to 5 other people. Write down the names of these 5 people and link to them on your blog. Go visit their blogs to notify them that they are tagged. The 5 people who are tagged should, in their own blogs, write down the name and the link of the person who tagged them, answer the same topic, and send it to another 5 people, etc.

yeah i just copied this from his blog direct. the marvels of technology. yesh indeed.

and my top 5 quirks? hmm again.

1. oh well most pple have this anyway. umm tend to overeat at buffets and end up being unable to get off my chair afterwards. yea then i will feel dam sick and guilty of how this would affect my training regime. feel myself getting so unfit already just thinking of it. :(

2. having no conscience? well sometimes i make fun of pple so much so that they almost have a breakdown. somehow my accomplices (lizhan? jon?) feel guilty about it. and i feel nothing. yea this is dam bad. maybe i will change it soon. or maybe not.

3. listening to music as much as possible- travelling, walking, running, during lectures, etc etc. even sleeping. its amazing how coldplay can put u to sleep dam fast. and i wonder why my ipod batts drain so dam fast.

4. being stubborn i guess. u all can ask ryan or nick soh. never really give up on things even if i have absolutely no hope. cos there's always that small small small chance.. and the fact that im human.

mental block wait a min...

5. my inaccurate first impressions of pple. like at first i thought that lizhan was gay, chenwei was a freakin poser, mong was an ac faggot, shuyi was an ice princess, michelle was a spolit brat etc etc etc. for some pple i was really really wrong. for others well..

whee that took quite a long time to do.
and the next 5 lucky pple are
evelyn!! haha.

(too little links on my blog sorry loong.)
uneagerly anticipating the return of promo results tomorrow, or tomorrow tomorrow.

have fun for now u pple. live and let live.

Random Quote: When there's life, there's hope. -- Cicero (Roman orator, politician & author)

Sunday, October 09, 2005


title says all. now i shall give everyone a blow by blow account on the papers. (wenloong pls sit down.) pardon the lameness.

Chem: chem paper was easy relative to the past year papers and the cts. should be able to get A. worst case is B. made some careless mistakes here and there but should be ok. cmon i need this A..

Physics: same as chem, as in easy relative to cts. but was still quite bad as my mcq was disastrous. and i didnt really study harmonic motion. this despite the rumours that i finished the entire tys. (hmmm? evelyn?) oh well no ones perfect i guess. A if im really really lucky. already quite sure i will get B. boohoo

Biology: hoho. bio bio bio.. where do i start. the whole paper was wrong from the 1st page. (yea i just found out i got 10 wrong for my mcq. and mcq was supposed to be easy.) anyway the structured was very very very bad. well i could have skipped that whole section and would have got the same marks if i didnt skip it. essays were ok in general, cept that i didnt draw table for the phosphorylation question. so minus marks. just gimme a C can liao. not asking much.

Math: the easiest out of all the papers. most of my answers were correct after cross checking with reliable sources like wenjie and (maybe^^)lizhan. confident that i will get A in this. most confident in this subject. B will be a real real real shocker.

on the whole the promos were definitely much better than cts, and i actually studied for the promos for many many many hrs. (cts i had a total of 3hrs? not including the days before the papers) so there! :D

wishing everyone the best of luck to get their s paper combi, and get promoted of course.

to the certain someone who likes butterfly wings (inside joke): dont worry too much about your promos. seriously. u will prolly own all of us anyway. and relax cos u will get your 2 s papers. and maybe 3. (sorry if it sounds quite bad. dont really have your pwerful vocab.)

next class outing to east coast park will prolly be after chinese ao. (be considerate guys/girls/whatever. some pple take chinese. anyway most of the pple that went takes chinese. so wait. :D)

bbye all. wheesee. have fun while u all can guys. cos life in general is bad. very very bad. everything burns.

Random Quote: Little is known of Sierra Leone, and how it connect to the diamonds we own. -- Kanye West (American Singer)

Saturday, October 08, 2005


And so it is over.
hooray or so i think.
basically i send most of promos thinking of what im gonna do after promos and now that promos are over, i actually dont really know what to do. (i mean, there's a limit to how much one can really dota. and my comp has been churning out fatal errors suddenly)
class outing on friday was fun fun fun. fun like the sentosa trip but in a different way. main diff is that east coast park is 5 mins from my house? whereas sentosa is like dunno where.
wad did we do there? usual beach stuff. except most of the time we werent actually on the beach, but at macs, or cathay bowl, or just basically everywhere except on the beach itself. and the sea of course.
who went? mostly the usual pple doh. me lizhan jonk yockteng joel mong mat michelle sam shuyi. and surprisingly justin liru and ethel came along too.
Monkey frisbee was dam fun, where yock teng astounded us with his proness at frisbee. lightning handz. high part was when michelles frisbee became stuck on the pavilion. yea then we were taking potshots at it to get it down by using a variety of other things, such as rugby ball and soccer ball. then yockteng got the brilliant brainwave of borrowing a stick to get a frisbee down.
hero of the day: definitely yockteng.
after frisbee we went to bike and skate. and i finally learnt to bike despite staying in the east for half my life. learnt to bike in about 5 mins! yea joel is a dam good teacher. or maybe im just a fast learner lol.. i mean compared to those who were learning how to skate. like getting tortored. lizhans super fall, jons super fall, etc etc etc.. doesnt help when me and justin were just biking around them haha.
bowling was chaotic for me. first time (i tink) that i was bowling. if i had bowled last time i couldnt remember. but bowling was really bad bad bad. and it really didnt help that i was bowling in the same lane as sam and michelle.

Final Scoreboard
S.P. (sam) 150+
M.L. (mich) 150+
T.K. (tubby kong. grr) 33

sad sad sad game. later games werent that bad as i expected as i was bowling with jon and joel. both were bowling newbies also. so the pressure wasnt that bad. somehow throwing the ball around doesnt really help. the ball goes faster into the drain infact.

Class outing at east coast park again soon!!!

tubby out

Random Quote: It's better to die on your feet than live on our knees. -- Dolores Ibarruri (spanish politician)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

De Promos

Weekend before the gauntlet week. (gauntlet cos all the papers are on consec. days)
ahh so so so screwed for bio... and pple say that that's the easiest science. anyway GP and chinese were traumatic at best.

GP-- same day as lizhans birthday. (happy birthday lizhan btw). maybe tts why it went so badly for me lol.. did the essay on gender equality. actually wanted to do the one on patriotism but something went wrong in the planning stages so it got shelved. ended writing something about carly fiorina and some other powerful women in the essay. so so so gonna fail. compre was not that bad. i mean it can't be as bad as compared to the essay. baby crack dotz.
at least im not that only one that found it chaotic.
wen jie- "wahh i'm gonna fail gp and get retained!!" ..ok.. tts coming from someone with 10 a1s.. then maybe nxt year rj will have no j2s at all. and 2000 j1s.
Chinese -- chinese was, erm well, its chinese. didn't really give a shit about it. ah well if they could just give me a pass.. (hey at least i didnt fall asleep during the main paper again! although i did during the zuo wen.)

and tomorrow is chem, then physics, then bio (horror!!!) and finally maths. and after maths freedom!!! nah actually got some things to sort out. but mostly freedom hee..
PS: those pple interested in working in my dads clinic tell me as soon as possible plsss
PPS: and 3Q can u all tell me whether u all want a chalet anot? gotta tell me fast cos i gotta book.
PPPS: good luck to everyone for promos!! esp to ruggers and 3Q!! seriously i hope no one gets retained and everyone gets their S paper choices.

to end off, well something weird happened to me today. woke up at about 10am feeling very dazed and stunned. and instead of using shaving foam to shave i ended up using my styling foam. and the weird thing is that i didnt realise until i was done shaving. felt the same though.
see promos brings out the weirdess in pple. scrap promos...

Quote: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -- Dr Martin Luther King Jr. (Black civil rights activist)